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You can Buy or Sell an A.H. Pro metal detector on our website for Free.

Because the A.H. Pro line has not been manufactured for many years, you can not just order one from us or a dealer. They are bougth and sold on eBay, estate auctions, garage sales or by word of mouth. You can post a free listing if you are selling one or even just looking for but one. Do you want to view our Buy or Sell webpages - Please note, this feature is in the early stages of development and will be expanded in the near future. Click on the Link on the A.H. Pro Buy & Sell Navigation bar above.

broken detector

A.H. Pro Metal Detector Repair Service - Get a Free Analysis with estimate.

We provide an authorized repair service for the the A.H. pro line products. Just fill out a "Service & Repair Questionnaire" and and you will get an email reply and shipping address. Then ship it and get a free repair estimate. The evaluation is free. There is a return shipping charge of $15 and no obligation to have it serviced.